285 results
Schools national funding formula: changes to the sparsity factor in 2022-23
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on how we propose to provide greater support to small, remote schools through changes to the national funding formula's (NFF) sparsity factor in 2022-23. MoreOpened 2 March 2021 -
Launch of the Get Help Buying for Schools service
We're seeking views on our proposed Get Help Buying for Schools service, designed to help schools and academies buy goods and services. MoreOpened 11 February 2021 -
High needs national funding formula – proposed changes
We're seeking views on proposed initial changes to the High Needs National Funding Formula (NFF) as part of a longer term review of the NFF. We have also published a step-by-step calculation of the updated historic spend factor amounts shown in table 2 in annex B of the consultation document (see historic spend factor calculation spreadsheet below). NB: the numbers in table 2 are not yet final. MoreOpened 10 February 2021 -
Changes to the Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020
We are seeking views on our proposal to extend or amend a limited number of flexibilities within the Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) (No'.2) Regulations 2020, in relation to Medical Reports, Virtual Visits and Ofsted Inspections. MoreOpened 9 February 2021 -
Introducing International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS)
We’re seeking insight into proposals for a new international teaching qualification. MoreOpened 6 February 2021 -
Post-Qualification Admissions Reform Consultation
We're seeking views on proposed changes to higher education admissions to a system of Post-Qualification Admissions (PQA). MoreOpened 21 January 2021 -
Keeping children safe in education - schools and colleges - proposed revisions 2021
We're seeking views on proposed changes to the statutory guidance ‘Keeping children safe in education’ 2020, with a view to making changes for September 2021. MoreOpened 10 December 2020 -
Standards for boarding schools and residential special schools
The Department for Education is consulting on revised standards for boarding schools and residential special schools in England. These standards are proposed to be published under section 87C of the Children Act 1989 as statements of national minimum standards, and will replace the current national minimum standards which were published in 2015. MoreOpened 2 December 2020 -
Post-16 Level 2 and below study and qualifications in England: Call for Evidence
We're seeking views on programmes of study at level 2 and below for students aged 16 and above. MoreOpened 10 November 2020 -
Review of Post-16 Qualifications at level 3: Second stage
We're seeking views on proposals to reform post-16 technical and academic qualifications at level 3. MoreOpened 23 October 2020 -
Regulating Independent Educational Institutions
This consultation was withdrawn on 7 May 2020 due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and was relaunched on 13 October 2020. If you have already responded to this consultation, your feedback will still be considered and you do not need to resubmit your response. The consultation will close on 27 November 2020. Consultation details This consultation seeks views on a number of proposals for legislation. A commitment to consult on the first proposal was included in a statement... MoreOpened 13 October 2020 -
Behaviour hubs lead school and MAT application
We are looking for schools and MATs with exemplary behaviour cultures to join the behaviour hubs programme to support schools and spread good practice. How to apply To apply to become a lead school or MAT, you must first read our application guidance document which you can access on the Behaviour Hubs webpage. The deadline for submitting lead school or MAT applications is midday, Friday 30 th October 2020. Contact If you... MoreOpened 14 September 2020 -
Changes to the adoption and children regulations: coronavirus (COVID-19)
We are seeking views on proposed changes to the Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020. MoreOpened 16 July 2020 -
Changes to the School Admissions Code
The Department for Education is consulting on a revised version of the statutory School Admissions Code. MoreOpened 26 June 2020 -
Behaviour hubs lead school and MAT application
In light of the latest public health measures and current pressures schools are facing, we have decided to introduce a second opportunity to apply to become a lead school or MAT for the behaviour hubs programme later in the year. Applications submitted in this current window (closing 30 March) will be considered alongside those received in the subsequent window, later in the year. Please download and read the application guidance at the bottom of this page under ‘RELATED’... MoreOpened 28 February 2020 -
Keeping children safe in education: proposed revisions 2020
This consultation has been withdrawn permanently We want schools and colleges to be able to focus their efforts on responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore the 2020 Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) consultation which was suspended on 31 March 2020 has been withdrawn permanently. The majority of the revisions proposed in the consultation version will be reconsidered for future updates of KCSIE. There are a small number of revisions that we have... MoreOpened 25 February 2020 -
Reforms to unregulated provision for children in care and care leavers
Children in care and care leavers are some of the most vulnerable children and young people in society. Every child and young person should have access to a stable and secure placement in accommodation that can meet their needs and, most importantly, keep them safe. We need to work together to make this happen and deliver the support these vulnerable children and young people deserve. The number of children in care aged 16 or 17 placed in unregulated settings has increased from 2,900... MoreOpened 12 February 2020 -
Music education: call for evidence
We are seeking views on music education, to inform our proposals for the refresh of the National Plan for Music Education. MoreOpened 9 February 2020 -
Subcontracting post-16 education and training with Education and SKills Funding Agency (ESFA) funding
We are seeking views from providers who have an interest in subcontracted delivery to inform our thinking about reforms to subcontracting arrangements. This consultation is now closed but providers can still submit a response to the consultation by emailing subcontracting.consultation@education.gov.uk before Tuesday 31 March 2020. MoreOpened 4 February 2020 -
Fees and frequency of inspection regulations 2020 to 21
The aim of this consultation is to seek views of key stakeholders on proposed changes to the Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills (Fees and Frequency of Inspections) (Children's Homes etc) Regulations 2015. MoreOpened 14 January 2020 -
Ofsted inspection: removal of the outstanding exemption
We're seeking views on the removal of the exemption for outstanding schools, colleges and other organisations delivering publicly-funded education and training. MoreOpened 10 January 2020 -
Early Years Foundation Stage reforms
We are seeking views on proposed changes to the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage. MoreOpened 24 October 2019 -
Revised arrangements for the Dedicated Schools Grant
We're seeking views on changing the dedicated schools grant. MoreOpened 11 October 2019 -
Mandatory minimum per pupil funding levels in 5-16 school funding
Consultation on making the national minimum per pupil funding levels mandatory to use in local authority funding formulae from 2020-21. MoreOpened 10 September 2019 -
Extending the Academies Risk Protection Arrangement (RPA) to Local Authority Maintained Schools (LAMS)
We are seeking views on extending the self-insure arrangement currently operational for academy trusts (ATs) to the local authority sector. MoreOpened 9 September 2019 -
Teachers’ Pension Scheme – Independent Schools Phased Withdrawal
We are seeking further views regarding proposed changes to the participation of independent schools in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. MoreOpened 9 September 2019 -
Online Schools Accreditation Scheme
We are seeking views on a proposal to establish a voluntary accreditation scheme for online schools. MoreOpened 5 September 2019 -
Home to school travel and transport: statutory guidance
We are seeking views on revised statutory guidance for local authorities on home to school travel and transport for children of compulsory school age. MoreOpened 19 July 2019 -
Early years childcare fees regulations
We are seeking views on proposed changes to early years fees paid to Ofsted, and on the principles that should underpin a revised fee model. MoreOpened 18 July 2019 -
Financial Transparency of local authority maintained schools and academy trusts
The purpose of this consultation is to outline the current financial transparency arrangements for academy trusts and maintained schools, and to consider possible changes. While both types of school are now funded through a specific grant – the DSG for maintained schools and General Annual Grant for academy trusts – current financial transparency arrangements are different and provide different levels of assurance. The Department has been looking at ways of improving... MoreOpened 17 July 2019
285 results.
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