Child and Family Social Worker Workforce
Feedback updated 24 Sep 2024
We asked
This consultation invited views on a proposed set of national rules on local authority engagement of agency child and family social workers.
You said
A total of 1,243 responses were received, with 1,230 completing the consultation online. Over two-thirds of respondents agreed in principle with the proposed national rules (64%), whilst a third disagreed (33%).
We did
The government’s response to the consultation, and full independent analysis of consultation responses, are available online at: Child and family social worker workforce - GOV.UK (
Following consultation, we developed new statutory guidance for local authorities on the use of agency child and family social workers, with some changes to the proposed rules to respond to consultation feedback. We consulted on the draft statutory guidance from 31 January to 28 February 2024.
We’d like your views on proposals to introduce national rules on the engagement of agency social work resource in local authority children’s social care.
Why your views matter
The independent review of children’s social care, published in May 2022, described the case to reduce overreliance on agency social work resource in order to provide more stable relationships for children and families and reduce costs.
This consultation invites views on a set of national rules on the engagement of agency social work resource covering:
- price caps on what local authorities may pay for an agency worker
- post-qualified experience needed for an agency assignment
- use of project teams
- references, notice periods, and movement between agency and substantive roles
- collection and sharing of pay and agency data
- adherence of procurement routes with the national rules
What happens next
The results of the consultation and the department's response will be published on GOV.UK in September 2023
- Employers
- Unions and representative organisations
- Government bodies and departments
- Social workers
- Team managers
- Service managers
- Principle social workers
- Directors of children's services
- Social workers' standards
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