285 results
Approving the development of new Apprenticeship Standards November 2016
Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The Government is keen that more high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on proposals to develop new Apprenticeship Standards submitted this month by employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve them for further development. How you can help This short survey will... MoreClosed 11 December 2016 -
Schools that Work for Everyone
We’re seeking views on proposals to create more good school places. MoreClosed 12 December 2016 -
Schools that Work for Everyone – short version of consultation
We’re seeking views on proposals to create more good school places. This short survey highlights eight questions which we feel will be most relevant to parents. It will probably take you around 5-10 minutes to fill in. It does not contain all 30 questions in the full survey. If you would like to fill in the full survey instead please go to: https://consult.education.gov.uk/school-frameworks/schools-that-work-for-everyone Responses submitted to either survey will be counted in... MoreClosed 12 December 2016 -
Postgraduate doctoral loans
We are seeking views on the details of the proposed income contingent loans for doctoral study, focusing on loan terms, eligibility and implementation. MoreClosed 16 December 2016 -
Part-Time Maintenance Loans
We are seeking views on the details of the proposed income contingent loans for undergraduate part-time study, focusing on loan terms, course and individual eligibility and implementation. MoreClosed 16 December 2016 -
Fees and frequency of inspection regulations
The aim of this consultation is to seek the views of interested parties on proposed changes to Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills (Fees and Frequency of Inspections) (Children's Homes etc.) Regulations 2015. This consultation seeks views on: A 10% increase on current fees, for those settings where fees are not already at full cost recovery. A reduction in the annual fee for... MoreClosed 17 January 2017 -
Subject content for languages with smaller cohorts
We are seeking views on A level (and AS) subject content for languages with smaller cohorts MoreClosed 18 January 2017 -
Higher Education Statistics (Dec to Jan 2016/17)
We’re seeking further views from people interested in information to help students and their families choose the right higher education opportunities. MoreClosed 27 January 2017 -
Government’s Draft Strategic Guidance to the Institute for Apprenticeships – 2017-18
Consultation on the draft strategic guidance document from Government to the Institute for Apprenticeships for 2017-18 MoreClosed 31 January 2017 -
Apprenticeship Assessment Plans - January 2017
Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The government is keen to ensure that a greater number of high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on Assessment Plan proposals submitted this month by employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve them for publication. Whilst the nature and methods of assessment will... MoreClosed 5 February 2017 -
Approving Draft Apprenticeship Standards January 2017
Apprenticeships: Approving Draft Apprenticeship Standards Overview Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The Government is keen that more high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on new draft apprenticeship Standards submitted this month by our Trailblazer employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve... MoreClosed 5 February 2017 -
Approving the development of new Apprenticeship Standards January 2017
Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The Government is keen that more high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on proposals to develop new Apprenticeship Standards submitted this month by employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve them for further development. How you can help This short survey will... MoreClosed 5 February 2017 -
Institute for Apprenticeships: Draft Operational Plan
We're seeking views on the Institute's draft plan. MoreClosed 27 February 2017 -
Apprenticeship Assessment Plans - February 2017
Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The government is keen to ensure that a greater number of high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on Assessment Plan proposals submitted this month by employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve them for publication. Whilst the nature and methods of assessment will... MoreClosed 10 March 2017 -
Approving the development of new Apprenticeship Standards February 2017
Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The Government is keen that more high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on proposals to develop new Apprenticeship Standards submitted this month by employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve them for further development. How you can help This short survey will... MoreClosed 10 March 2017 -
Approving Draft Apprenticeship Standards February 2017
Apprenticeships: Approving Draft Apprenticeship Standards Overview Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The Government is keen that more high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on new draft apprenticeship Standards submitted this month by our Trailblazer employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve... MoreClosed 10 March 2017 -
Child and family social work national assessment and accreditation system
Consultation on the introduction of a new national assessment and accreditation system for child and family social workers. MoreClosed 14 March 2017 -
Office for Students: registration fees and other fees
We're consulting on the registration fees that registered higher education providers will pay to the Office for Students. MoreClosed 14 March 2017 -
Care of unaccompanied and trafficked children
Since Summer 2016, the Department for Education has consulted and collaborated with a range of local authorities, non-government organisations and other government departments to identify the required revisions and produce a revised draft of the 2014 statutory guidance on the care of unaccompanied asylum seeking and trafficked children. This consultation now seeks views as to whether the revised guidance provides sufficient advice to local authorities in England looking after... MoreClosed 17 March 2017 -
Lenehan review of experiences and outcomes in residential special schools and colleges
Dame Christine Lenehan is seeking evidence to inform her review into the experiences and outcomes of children and young people in residential special schools and colleges (including non-maintained and independent special schools). She would like to receive evidence about: the characteristics of the children and young people currently in residential special schools and colleges; how and why these children and young people come to be placed in residential special schools... MoreClosed 17 March 2017 -
Review of the Industrial training board: Call for evidence
A call for evidence on the effectiveness of the Construction, and Engineering Construction, Industrial Training Boards (CITB and ECITB). MoreClosed 21 March 2017 -
High needs funding reform - stage 2
This consultation has now closed and the NFF has been finalised. You can see the illustrative impact of the final formula here . We are introducing a national funding formula to make funding fair for local areas, children and young people . This consultations seeks views on the detailed design of the formula, building on the earlier consultation on the principles and structure. The executive summary outlines our proposals and the effect on local authorities, and the consultation... MoreClosed 22 March 2017 -
Schools national funding formula - stage 2
This consultation has now closed and the NFF has been finalised. You can see the illustrative impact of the final formula here . We are introducing a national funding formula to make funding fair for schools and children. This consultation seeks views on the detailed design of the formula, building on the earlier consultation on the principles and structure. The executive summary outlines our proposals and the effect on schools, and the consultation document explains these in... MoreClosed 22 March 2017 -
Apprenticeship Assessment Plans - March 2017
Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The government is keen to ensure that a greater number of high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on Assessment Plan proposals submitted this month by employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve them for publication. Whilst the nature and methods of assessment will... MoreClosed 7 April 2017 -
Approving Draft Apprenticeship Standards March 2017
Apprenticeships: Approving Draft Apprenticeship Standards Overview Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The Government is keen that more high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on new draft apprenticeship Standards submitted this month by our Trailblazer employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve... MoreClosed 7 April 2017 -
Approving the development of new Apprenticeship Standards March 2017
Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The Government is keen that more high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on proposals to develop new Apprenticeship Standards submitted this month by employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve them for further development. How you can help This short survey will... MoreClosed 10 April 2017 -
Change to criteria for agreeing loan schemes
The Department is seeking views on a proposed revision to section 4.10 (Loan Schemes) of the Scheme for financing schools guidance. MoreClosed 21 April 2017 -
Exclusion guidance 2017
We are seeking views on revisions we are proposing to make to the statutory guidance on the exclusion of pupils. We have made changes in a small number of areas to make the rules that apply to exclusions and the process of review clearer. MoreClosed 25 April 2017 -
Approving Draft Apprenticeship Standards April 2017
Apprenticeships: Approving Draft Apprenticeship Standards Overview Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The Government is keen that more high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on new draft apprenticeship Standards submitted this month by our Trailblazer employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve... MoreClosed 5 May 2017 -
Apprenticeship Assessment Plans - April 2017
Apprenticeships are a key component of the growth agenda. The government is keen to ensure that a greater number of high quality apprenticeships are created to meet the needs of employers and apprentices, and help drive up growth and productivity across the economy. This survey invites you to comment on Assessment Plan proposals submitted this month by employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve them for publication. Whilst the nature and methods of assessment will... MoreClosed 5 May 2017
285 results.
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