Child and family social work national assessment and accreditation system

Closed 14 Mar 2017

Opened 20 Dec 2016

Results updated 5 Dec 2017

The Government response to the consultation has been published on GOV.UK.



Consultation on the introduction of a new national assessment and accreditation system for child and family social workers.

Why your views matter

We would like your views on how we intend to deliver a national assessment and accreditation system for child and family social workers as part of our wider reforms of children’s social care.

The introduction of the National Assessment and Accreditation System – NAAS will provide, for the first time, a consistent way of providing assurance that child and family social workers, supervisors and leaders have the knowledge and skills required for effective practice.

The consultation seeks your views on a future career pathway for child and family social workers and the role of the National Assessment and Accreditation System.



What happens next

The results of the consultation and the Department's response will be published on GOV.UK in Autumn 2017.


  • Local authorities
  • Social workers


  • Social workers' standards