Narrowing the digital divide in schools and colleges
This consultation sets out the Department for Education’s long-term vision for narrowing the digital divide in schools and colleges, focusing on proposals for the future of the digital and technology standards.
The document is split into three sections, outlining proposals and gathering evidence aligned to three key aims:
- Prioritising essential technology infrastructure
- Managing the risks of technology
- Harnessing the opportunities of technology
To help inform future policy development, this document also seeks to gather wider evidence, including:
- the readiness of the sector to meet these six core digital and technology standards
- any barriers schools and colleges face in meeting the standards
- the support the sector requires to meet the standards
- examples of best practice in harnessing the benefits of technology
- evidence gaps that the sector would like the Department to help with filling
Your views will help us refine our approach and ensure that all students benefit from the opportunities that technology offers.
Give us your views
- Teachers
- Headteachers
- Governors
- School support staff
- Training providers
- Local authorities
- Further education colleges
- Sixth form colleges
- Independent specialist colleges
- Designated institutions and 16-19 academies
- Designated safeguarding leads
- Virtual school heads
- School business managers
- Governing bodies and academy trusts
- Bodies representing schools and local authorities
- Faith bodies
- Secondary teachers of computer science and subject leaders
- Organisations which represent the views of computing teachers
- Students
- Companies and organisations working in the digital industry
- Pupils
- Young people
- Unions and representative organisations
- Contractors involved in building schools
- Academies (including free schools), voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools and community schools
- Further Education leaders and workforce
- Education
- National Curriculum
- Key stage 1
- Key stage 2
- Academies
- Governance
- Planning
- Statutory policies and guidance
- Keeping children safe in education and other settings
- Capital funding
- Financial management
- Post-16 funding
- Procurement for schools
- School and academy funding
- Teaching and learning (SEND)
- Equality
- Accountability
- School building estates
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