Sector Subject Area Classification (SSAC) system review - Call for Evidence
We're seeking views on the SSAC system, how this system is working, and views on the current Sector Subject Areas being used within it.
Why your views matter
This call for evidence is part of the joint DfE and Ofqual review of the Sector Subject Area Classification System. We are seeking your views on how you use the system, what you use it for and the classification of subjects and sectors within it. We want to know more about what is working and what can be changed or improved to make the system better related to new or emerging occupations.
This call for evidence brings together the range of issues we want to explore, inviting views and evidence from interested parties and how we can improve the system, and better articulate and align it with occupational maps and routes.
What happens next
Your responses will be analysed and shared with Ofqual (who own the SSAC system), we will use all responses to drive and shape future system reform and changes.
- Training providers
- Local authorities
- Adult education providers
- Further education colleges
- Employers
- Unions and representative organisations
- Government bodies and departments
- Universities
- Education
- National Curriculum
- GCSE subject content
- GCE AS and A level subject content
- Post-16 funding
- HE
- Apprenticeships
- Work based training
- Community learning
- Lifelong learning
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