Changes to the School Admissions Code

Closed 16 Oct 2020

Opened 26 Jun 2020

Feedback updated 12 Jul 2021

We asked

Last year, the Department for Education consulted on changes to the School Admissions Code, to improve access to schools for vulnerable children, reducing to a minimum any gaps in their education.

You said

There was broad support for most of our proposals, in particular for the introduction of mandatory deadlines for both in-year applications and Fair Access Protocols (FAPs) that improve the process for all children who need a school place in-year.

A total of 270 responses were from organisations. Of these, 118 were from local authorities and 73 from schools and academy trusts. 1,277 responses were from individuals. 

We did

Alongside the publication of the government’s response to the consultation, the draft Code was laid before Parliament on 13 May 2021. It has now completed its Parliamentary process and the new School Admission Code 2021 will come into force on 1 September 2021. The current 2014 Code will continue to apply until this date.


The Department for Education is consulting on a revised version of the statutory School Admissions Code.

Why your views matter

We're seeking views on a revised version of the statutory School Admissions Code. The Code was last updated in 2014. The revised Code seeks to clarify and improve the process in which children are admitted to school outside of the normal admissions round in light of a number of Government reviews.

Additionally, the revised Code will also provide additional information and details that will support admission authorities in discharging their duties effectively.

We remain committed to amending the School Admissions Code in relation to the admission of summer born children, but are unable to make those changes at this time because they will require primary legislation. We are, therefore, not seeking views about the admission of summer born children as part of this consultation.

A copy of the consultation document and draft School Admissions Code can be found below, underneath the 'related' heading.


  • Governors
  • Local authorities
  • Further education colleges
  • Sixth form colleges
  • Virtual school heads
  • SENCOs
  • Pupils
  • Parents
  • Foster carers
  • Adoptive parents


  • Education
  • Support in education
  • Admissions
  • Statutory policies and guidance