Caste in Great Britain and Equality Law

Closed 18 Sep 2017

Opened 28 Mar 2017


We are seeking your views on the most effective way to implement a legal ban on caste discrimination.

As a result of the recent General Election, the consultation has been extended beyond its initial 16 week period, for a further 8 weeks.

The closing date of the consultation is now 18 September 2017, after which no further responses will be accepted.


Why your views matter

We are seeking your views on how best to ensure that there is appropriate legal protection against caste discrimination.

This ban could be applied:

a) by formally making caste an aspect of race in the Equality Act 2010 or

b) through developing case law in the courts and employment tribunals.

In either case, businesses and public authorities would have to consider caste discrimination in the same way they consider other aspects of race discrimination when dealing with employees, customers or service users.

We want to hear from members of those communities who may encounter caste discrimination in their daily lives as well as the wider public, businesses, service providers educational and other institutions, and public authorities.


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  • Equality