Faith school designation reforms

Closed 20 Jun 2024

Opened 1 May 2024


We're seeking views on religious designation reforms for new and existing free schools and special academies.

Why your views matter

This consultation is seeking views on two policy proposals:

Part 1) To remove the 50% cap on faith admissions, with the aim of enabling all faith groups to apply to open new faith free schools, and

Part 2) to allow new special academies and existing special academies with a recognised faith ethos to apply to be designated as having a religious character.


  • Headteachers
  • Governors
  • Local authorities
  • SENCOs
  • School business managers
  • Governing bodies and academy trusts
  • Bodies representing schools and local authorities
  • Faith bodies
  • Pupils
  • Young people
  • Parents
  • Directors of children's services


  • Education
  • Academy sponsorship
  • Free Schools, studio schools and University technical colleges
  • Setting up an academy or free school
  • Academies
  • Admissions
  • Governance
  • Disabled children