Childminder Recruitment and Retention Consultation

Closed 10 May 2024

Opened 15 Mar 2024


We're seeking views on how to support the recruitment and retention of childminders.

Why your views matter

The Department for Education (DfE) is consulting on three proposals and gathering evidence to improve the recruitment and retention of childminders.

Stakeholders are invited to share views on how the DfE can support the recruitment and retention of childminders. This consultation is open to the public and in particular invites responses from:

  • Current, former, and prospective childminders and providers of CODP
  • Other early years providers
  • Childminder agencies (CMAs)
  • Parents
  • Ofsted
  • Organisations that represent childminders, providers of CODP and other early years providers
  • Local authorities and the local government association
  • Regulated healthcare professionals who work in GPs surgeries
  • Landlords and any relevant representative bodies


  • Early learning and childcare providers
  • Local authorities
  • Bodies representing schools and local authorities
  • Parents
  • Foster carers
  • Adoptive parents
  • Employers
  • Unions and representative organisations
  • Government bodies and departments
  • Adult and mental health practitioners


  • Early learning and childcare
  • Early years foundation stage