30-hour free childcare entitlement
We are seeking views on key elements of the operation and delivery of the 30 hours extended free entitlement for the working parents of 3- and 4-year olds.
Why your views matter
This consultation seeks views on some of the key elements of the operation and delivery of the 30 hour extended free entitlement. This includes how the entitlement will be delivered, and how it will meet and be responsive to the needs of working parents.
Specific issues that we would welcome views on are:
- how places might be delivered more flexibly;
- provision for children special education needs and disabilities;
- the role and responsibilities of local authorities in securing places;
- information about childcare for parents, and
- the ‘grace period’ for parents
- Teachers
- Headteachers
- Governors
- School support staff
- Early learning and childcare providers
- Training providers
- Local authorities
- Adult education providers
- Pupils
- Young people
- Parents
- Foster carers
- Adoptive parents
- Employers
- Community representatives
- Volunteers
- Social workers
- All
- Early learning and childcare
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