GCSE Computer Science subject content update

Closed 21 Jul 2024

Opened 20 May 2024


We're seeking views on an updated version of the Computer Science GCSE subject content.

Why your views matter

The Department for Education is proposing an updated version of the Computer Science GCSE to reflect advancements in technology since the publication of the current subject content in 2015. Findings from this consultation will be taken into account when finalising the subject content. 

A link to the related government consultation document, the proposed subject content and the equalities impact assessment can be found under the 'related' header below. 


  • Teachers
  • Headteachers
  • Organisations with an interest in the content of the computer science GCSE
  • Secondary teachers of computer science and subject leaders
  • Organisations which represent the views of computing teachers
  • Students
  • Awarding organisations
  • Companies and organisations working in the digital industry
  • Pupils
  • Young people
  • Parents


  • Education
  • GCSE subject content