Understanding the use of unregistered alternative provision
We are seeking views to better understand how unregistered alternative provision is commissioned and delivered.
To achieve this, we want to hear from:
- local authority representatives who commission placements in unregistered alternativive provision settings.
- school-based commissioners who use placements in unregistered alternative provision settings (including mainstream, special and independent schools)
- registered alternative provision schools who commission additional provision at unregistered settings
- unregistered alternative provision settings who deliver education commissioned by any of the above
Why your views matter
We encourage you to complete the call for evidence to help us enhance our understanding of the sector so we can improve the experiences of all children and young people requiring unregistered alternative provision.
What happens next
The findings from this consultation will be considered when designing the new national vision and delivery model for the SEND and alternative provision system described in the Green Paper.
- Teachers
- Headteachers
- Governors
- School support staff
- Training providers
- Local authorities
- Further education colleges
- Sixth form colleges
- Independent specialist colleges
- Designated safeguarding leads
- Virtual school heads
- Educational Psychologists
- School business managers
- Employers
- Volunteers
- Unions and representative organisations
- Those evaluating programmes for children in need
- Those researching children’s social care or education systems, with links to educational outcomes of Children in Need
- Education
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